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Writer's pictureCherianne Dawn

Everything Matters, The Miracle of Serendipity

Updated: Aug 23

Serendipity is where miracles find their way into everyday life.

Those times which call you to say, ‘what are the chances…?’ Are the intersections of the vast, intricate patterns of life as it unfolds.

Lone Eagle, my closest Native American guide, always shows life as a lace doily. An array of tiny threads and interactions, crisscrossing and supporting each other to make a beautiful whole.

I watched a mini series called ‘White Lotus’, and on finishing it realised that the core element of this story was how seemingly small things could lead to a chain of reactions which could create a huge impact on not only the life of the instigator of the action, but also anyone who may be in their vicinity, familiar to them or not. A simple comment may have more of a dramatic and transformational effect, than any big plan or intentional goal setting.

These little interactions, decisions and chance happenings actually produce what’s known as ‘The Butterfly Effect’, the idea that a supposed unimportant act in the present can induce massive consequences as it moves into the future.

However, I am constantly informed by my ‘spiritual team’ that this concept of future, and time in general, is only a human representation. All time and space exists in the same moment, in reality, that is all that actually can exist and be real. The moment that you are presently embodying.

I like the idea and cosmic aligned feeling here of the line of stones to a 'bigger ending.

Time, as a linear concept, is an idea that has been adopted by our human form to help us make sense of our physicality, to better understand the limitations of our flesh and bone existence, and the confines of what most human minds are able to conceive as understandable.

I am in no way stating that I have full acceptance or understanding of this concept.

I simply have the ability to access higher intelligence that often serves to further mystify myself! In my experience, the more you learn, the more you realise you don’t actually know. Sometimes ignorance is the most comfortable place to be, even if it has its limitations of awareness.

There are plenty of people in this world who are not aware, enlightened, or even trying to achieve that, but are still living a perfectly happy and fulfilling life, thank you very much, in the comfort of manifesting their dreams by simply living to their fullest in the present.

My mind wandered to my channelled symbology, and how it actually created the vibrational pulls that it has shown it’s ability to do.

I considered the concept of the interactions of lines, the crossing of them, at very particular points, and also the convergence of them.

Could these be the illustrations of those moments of serendipity of which I’m speaking about?

That tiny point of interaction, at that exact point, to serve or inspire what could expand to form the bigger picture?

Do they magnetise that exact moment, maybe of a random encounter, or even a few seconds of freedom from your conscious mind, just long enough to allow your higher self to plant or suggest an idea or thought?

A chance meeting, or thought which has the power to completely derail your present direction if the implications are allowed to fully play out?

Do they create massive changes by creating the opportunity for that, almost seemingly irrelevant, action, or interaction to come into being? |

This concept makes plenty of sense to me. I’ve witnessed the changes which can occur from exposure to a very simple drawing of a few lines and curves, expressed in a particular way.

The idea that being exposed to a simple drawing can call in a ‘transformational moment’ seems more feasible to my mind to the thought that a symbolic image can single handedly manifest that larger intention which they were initially created to evoke.

That they set the seeds for that desired eventuality to play out, then let the momentum of life do the work.

Again, ‘The Butterfly Effect’

This is what I would deem as magick.

These are the miraculous moments of our life,

that anyone, anywhere, has the potential of experiencing.

An unseen portal which has the ability to transform lives forever.

Remember, everything matters.


About the author

Cherianne Dawn is a psychic artist and cosmic symbologist, and aims to use her gifts to holistically support others on their path.

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