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Writer's pictureCherianne Dawn

Practical Living Magick at work...

Updated: Aug 23

A while ago I channelled a symbol with the specific intention of keeping my family safe from physical harm. I decided that the best place to put this symbol was under the dining table, so as to condition the food with this safety vibration, along with having the effect on the whole family.

A day or so later (my family do tend to align with vibrational energies incredibly quickly) my son was adamant he wanted to change his car. He'd previously made a conscious decision to change his car the year after, given the fact that he’d not long passed his driving test, and didn’t want to spend on a better car at that point, given his lack of experience.

His car at the time, was very well looked after, but also quite old, and he was travelling into town up and down the motorway for work on a daily basis.

His sudden change of heart made me wonder if the constant high impact motorway driving was actually a good idea in a vehicle that was probably a little structurally worn in places unknown to us, so we helped him find a more powerful car which was more suited to the journeys that he was making.

My mind threw up the word ‘Bolton’, which was a place not too far from us, so this directed our search to look at car dealers in that area. We found exactly the make, model and colour car that he had been hoping for, with a great history and price from an award winning garage.

I was really happy that my intuition had paid off, and concluded that my symbol had more than likely instigated this abrupt change of heart. I was happy in my belief that he was safer on the major roads he was travelling in his new car.

This, given so much previous evidence, was enough for me to be content that this vibration of safety was active - but then my husband noticed something that opened up a new layer of ‘miraculous’ in this situation.

Amazing enough, the number plate on this car ended with YXY.

If you have any experience with the symbolic meaning of runes, and how their shapes can be combined to make bind runes of greater significance, you will no doubt already see the magick that I am referring to.

The attached image is the rune for ‘protection’

Look at the shapes, the lines - these are the elements of symbology which create the vibration to which creates an effect. The similarity of shapes is quite clear.

Yesterday, he came home with a story which could have had terrifying consequences. He, along with others, had hit a piece of concrete which had found its way into the motorway which he was travelling on. All involved cars pulled up on the hard shoulder, comparing damage, and I would imagine all were in gratitude that they ok.

Every other driver had unfortunately sustained damage to their cars, some quite extensive.

My son’s car was still immaculate, no damage sustained, despite him knowing that he’d quite definitely hit the debris in the road.

I am truly grateful of his safety, and while it is obviously debatable whether the vibrational work I’d previously carried out was at play, I’m happy to believe the odds are stacked in his favour in all of his future journeys.

I feel my work is to share how to harness what I feel is a universal gift with others, so stay tuned for tips towards this end.

I’ll do my best, and will be grateful if my experiences can support any amount of positive change in our world.


About the author

Cherianne Dawn is a psychic artist and cosmic symbologist, and aims to use her gifts to holistically support others on their path.

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